Tuesday, September 30, 2014

9 - 29 / Day 115 Summer Come Back to Me!

I am so not ready for cold rainy weather yet. I guess I just really don't want to accept that it's Fall already. 

It's been another good week though. We had lots of meetings and things to get done, but I learned a ton.

We had Mission Leadership Counsel with all the District Leaders and Zone Leaders we talked about our purpose and the things we can do to be better focused missionaries, centered on our purpose. Sister Asay & I had to give a training on dress and grooming. That was fun :) haha. 

After MLC Sister Asay & I ate lunch and talked about all the things we've learned while serving. I love being with her again. It's really neat to see how much we've both grown and how much we've learned over the past 14 months. 
I saw Ric for the first time in forever. He went to he Temple and did Baptisms! So amazing. He looked great and was just so happy. It's powerful to see the influence of the Gospel in people lives when they are humble enough to accept it and change.

I really don't understand how the days go by so fast. There really isn't enough hours in the day to accomplish all the tasks at hand. We spent 1/2 the day in our office working on the yearly report for Cyd Mcbride and working on scheduling things that are happening in the mission this week. Sister Asay & I have made a goal to find someone to teach or talk to every morning when we're opening all the buildings. Since we never find time to go on the square. It's been going pretty good actually. We got a few people to keep in contact with. They haven't emailed back yet, and some we can't call till their home from vacation. We met the sweetest couple from South Africa though. I loved them!

We had a really cool Relief Society. The managing director for Public Affairs over the whole church came and spoke to us! It was really neat. He talked about his conversion and how we can help people who have strong views against the church (cough cough antis... conference prep right there). I learned a lot about presentism, how people try to teach things against the church take a 21st century view of things and force them to be the same for old historic times. We can't apply today's views and traditions to another earlier time. It's like Halloween... 50 years down the road people might look and be like what the heck were those people thinking dressing up like witches. They must have followed witchcraft. When really little kids are just having fun pretending. People have tried to do this with Joseph Smith and I think that's why there are some many "crazy things" out there about him. Anyways... it was just a cool little lesson I learned. Hadn't really thought about it that way before.

We had MLC again with just the Zone Leaders. President gave some really cool trainings on how to prioritize our time and on the things we should focus our time and attention on.

We got to attend the General Women's Conference. It was amazing. I loved it so much. Jean A Steven and President Utchdorf's talks were my fav. Don't really have time to go into details about all the things I learned but it strengthened my testimony for sure. I really have learned from serving a mission how to Live the Gospel joyful!

We went to Music in the Spoken Word, it was such a powerful program this week. The spirit was unreal. Sister Oscarson the General Young Women's President sat in front of us. After we talked to her for a few minutes. She is just so sweet. She hugged us like 3 times each and took pictures with us and send she wanted to send them to our moms. So Mom... be checking your email!!!!! haha. 
Sister Oscarson is true to her word.  The very next day this, and a few other pics found there way to my email with a sweet note. (Yvette : )

Then later in the day we went to the Swahili ward again for a
baptism! Kelly & Jeeduh got baptized. We taught their family a few times on the square with the Elders and their 2 oldest kids finally are baptized :) YAY. The spirit there is always so sweet. The branch just loves each other so much. We even got to sing a song in Swahili with their Mom after they were baptized. haha. Yeah I only learned it for like literally 2 minutes... probs slaughtered that one but owell :) It was still fun. haha. 

It was the best thing ever to be with Sister Marsh again for a few hours! I've missed her so much. She stoke the sweetest note in my journal when I wasn't looking. I found it when I got home at the end of the night and it made me bawl my eyes out. I'm going to miss her even more when she's gone. I literally can't accept that she's leaving in a month. I love her a lot, we have truly become best friends. So many blessings come from serving the Lord. I could write a book. It's been a great week. The Lord is truly answering my prayers. My testimony of fasting has also been strengthened this week, I've received a lot of comfort and direction from it this week. 

I am really excited for General Conference coming up. Looking forward to hearing the words of the Prophet and Apostles. I truly know that they are called of God and that they hold his authority and power. I hope you are all as excited as I am and are preparing to receive revelation. I promise if you prepare yourself you will be uplifted and taught by their words!

We get to attend the Sunday PM session. Look for me on the screen ;) hahaha not.

I love you all! 
Have a fantastic week. 

Sister Hansen

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