I cannot even explain how grateful I am for the amazing companion I have and for the amazing district I was put in. WOW I'm one lucky girl.
Sister Asay is amazing. I kinda told you guys a little bit about her, but we're already SO close. She has a super strong testimony and it freaks me out how alike we are in every single way. Our companionship is so strong! I honestly don't know what I would done if I had anyone else as a companion. Everyone in our district calls us "The Twins." Even our teachers : ) haha She almost reminds me of Taylor Nahoo!
Sister Tiritilli. Oh my goodness! She's from Temecula and went to BYU-Hawaii!! She's the biggest cuddler ever ... everyone knows I would freak out without my cuddling so Heavenly Father was very aware of this and gave me her : ). I could go on and on about these amazing girls but don't even have the time.
Second Day:
We learned all about how to love investigators and others truly through Christs eyes! It's amazing to me to just be able to sooo easily love everyone here. You have no pre conceived judgments and you can truly just see everyone how Christ sees them. I know that I can be made like Christ through this work.
Third Day:
Sister Asay and I met our first practice investigator. His name is Tommy Camp. I've learned that I will never be able to teach anyone past my own conversion. If I want them to pray hard, I have to be praying even harder. If I want them to study the scriptures diligently, I need to study even harder. If I want them to pray I better be pouring my soul out to the Lord every single prayer. It's crazy to me how even though he was a practice investigator it felt SO REAL, and YES I can do the whole fake role play thing. BECAUSE when you're truly teaching with the spirit it doesn't even matter if its fake, cause its preparing me for the real world. We committed him to baptism! OMG it was all fake and I freaked out and Sister Asay and I got all excited like, YAY! We can do this! I know how to TEACH!
All The Days After This Just Became A Blur... putting them together now:
I cannot even begin to believe how much I have learned in just 7 days!! I know that anyone is capable of this work if they have the true desire to bring others the happiness that they have. I would NEVER be able to do this work if I didnt have the Holy Ghost as a constant companion, it is vital in my success as a missionary because without this I would NOT be able to teach with the spirit and truly be a representative of Christ. I know that it is not me bringing others to this gospel, it is by the Holy Ghost that I help bring it into people lives.
I know that I am literally walking in the shoes of the Lord through this work, I am literally doing what he would be doing if he was here on this earth. The work is soo demanding, but it is everlasting, I know that I am just helping others find the missing link in their lives. There is no miracle like the miracle of conversion.
Yesterday, Sister Asay and I meant with our first REAL investigator her name is Ailiani Miller, can't even get into details about her, but the lesson was AmAzing. I don't even know why shes not a member of the church. All her confusion about religion is perfectly answered by the church. We committed her to reading the Book of Mormon from the start and she's been going to church so that's awesome. She loves the church and everything about it. I know as she reads the BOM she will know that being baptized is exactly what the Lord wants her to do. I'll update you on her progress next week. Shes committing to baptism tomorrow--I just know it.
When I talk about this church to investigators I LOVE the spirit I feel. It's like a constant boooost of motivation to keep pushing myself everyday.
The MTC is so crazy. I will be honest, there are times when I'm just like, okay really, I just wanna lay on my bed and be LAZY, not sit here in a classroom for 6 hours learning how to start teaching someone. But then the second you feel the spirit and the second you begin to testify to someone about the church EVERY SINGLE negative thought I ever had is just erased. It's hard to be away from home, it's hard to follow a schedule literally 24/7, but I KNOW I am where I'm supposed to be, doing exactly what the Lord wants me to do!
I love this church, I'm so grateful for the testimony that I have! I really am going to make this mission A WOW because if I don't work as hard as I can every single day, it wont even be worth it.
Everyday counts!!!! I love being a missionary!!!
I love it I love it I love it!!!!!!
- Sister Hansen
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