I honestly
don't know where to begin with this email!
I say this every week but I
literally don't think I have the ability yet to say in words everything I am
experiencing, learning, teaching, and doing as a missionary!
Emily and Companion, Sister Deleu |
Then Sister Tiritilli and I sat down with one of the Sisters in the Relief Society presidency (Sister Takahashi). We just poured out everything we were feeling and she was so understanding and the same exact way in the beginning of her mission. After we talked for a while. I felt sooo much better. As soon as I gave up my own little petty thoughts and focused on how I can be like Christ, since this is His work after all, everything changed. I realized that it didn't matter if I wasn't meeting every single one of my "number goals" or if not a single person wanted anything to do with what I was saying that day. What really matters is where my heart is.
I am honestly sharing Christ’s message with every single person, and I am fully
dedicated to being a missionary, nothing else matters. Everyone has their
The miracles started pouring out like CRAZY!
So I’m just gonna start
sharing them because IT'S AMAZING.
Emily and the Million Dollar Smile!! |
Then, after this whole thing I'm walking back out on the square and I ran into my
friend from BYU-Idaho, McCall. It brightened my whole day up to see someone I
knew. After THAT we had square
time and somehow ran into these two Spanish-speaking ladies. They were the
sweetest ladies ever. One has 2 sons who were just baptized and they're in
their early teens. They were begging her to visit the temple.
story short, it was the most spiritual tour I've given so far! She said she
could not even thank us enough for the peace we brought to her, and she is now
ready to meet with the missionaries and have us start teaching her.
I could understand so much of their Spanish it was SO COOL, the spirit is so
strong and powerful. I could feel it the whole time even though they were all
talking in Spanish. We're going to start teaching her friend that was there
with her as well, and she gave us another one of their friends to call too! CRAZINESS.
also teaching another lady from Puerto Rico, she's awesome and is so sincere!
Her husband doesn't know she’s learning about the church or reading the Book of
Mormon yet, because she doesn't want him to get mad at her, 'cause hes crazy
into their Christian church. But she's starting to have faith in everything!
She is recognizing the spirit in her life because of her learning.
all these insane things happened, I got 4 new investigators yesterday! 4 in ONE
DAY! I'm just going to talk about one of them though because I don't even have
the time to go into detail about everything. His name is Luis he's from the
Dominican Republic. He came on chat with so many questions and was just
skeptical about everything. He asked us to call him so we could just meet each
other and what not, then we just started teaching him, and one thing after
another, booom bang booom, and he was feeling the spirit like crazy. He said he
was also meeting with the Jehovah Witnesses, but expressed that everything we
had taught him made sense. I gave him some scriptures and a chapter of the Book
of Mormon to read. He thanked us so sincerely for the spirit that he felt
during our talk. I ended the lesson/phone call with a prayer and he was
speechless by the end... as was I... because I was definitely not the
teacher... THE SPIRIT WAS! We are calling him back tomorrow to see how his
reading went and to see how his prayers are going. I’M SO EXCITED!
know that the Lord’s hand is here every single day in my missionary work. I know
that my love for Jesus Christ is what makes this mission worth it every day! I
want to stand before him at my judgment and know He is not a stranger to
me. I want to look Him in the eyes
and He look into mine and tell me that I worked hard and that He is proud of
all my life on Earth. I will not be ashamed when I am in His presence again.
love being in Temple Square every single day... I walk on holy ground, I teach
where Brigham Young taught and the spirit is amazing. Teaching of the pioneers
everyday reminds me that I CAN DO HARD THINGS! The work is so hard and
demanding some days, but miracles only happen when you go out on the ledge where
they can happen! Faith precedes miracles!
I love the LORD & the LORD
loves me!
-Sister Hansen
Wow!! What an amazing missionary!! Can't wait to read more about her spiritual adventures